Learning English Intensive Course in English Speaking Countries is one alternative of many people who want to fast develop English skills and face with a new experience, new people and increasing the bravery to decide. There are several benefits to taking an intensive English course. A lot of students feel that they can receive a better education when they are competent in this language. Since the program is designed at a faster pace, students usually do not waste much time waiting to pursue additional schooling endeavors. Furthermore, the fast-paced learning environment often facilitates comprehension. Base on Boyle, 2014 wrote that many benefits of studying abroad such as you may become stronger, more confident, and more certain of yourself. There is no way around it. One of the many wonderful benefits of study abroad programs is that you may grow and evolve as a person. No matter your experiences, you may emerge from the experience with the strength, confidence, and certainty of a global traveler. Even if you face challenges, disappointment, or failure, you may have learned and experienced things that you wouldn’t have had you stayed in the confines of your home. This, in and of itself, makes you a stronger, more confident, and more certain person. (Boyle, 2014)
Which in nowadays “Many college students choose to study abroad to improve their language skills and to expand their cultural knowledge. Improved linguistic fluency is often state as the principal benefit of the study abroad experience. Many the researches also agree that study abroad helps students develop cultural sensitivity or an international perspective. They remark that short-term study abroad programs are traditionally stigmatized by language professionals who believe that “fluency, or at least proficiency, can only be achieved with extensive exposure to the language in an immersion setting.” (Tatiana Borisovna Segura, 2008: p.15) In many survey-based found that the thing is so great to students who spend the time on study abroad are these who will finally become the most proficient in the use of their language of specialization. Therefore, many students take the course for study abroad experiences with the prospect that they too will “pick up” if not become “fluent” in the objective languages they have chosen to study, returning home with greatly improved language skills. (Freed & Barbara F, 1998) In the same way, Joshua S.Mckeown 2009 still point out that study aboard is a very good program for the student who wants to an expert in the English language. They can do many things to improve their English skills such as do the activities or do work with foreigner friends for improved the communicate skills. They can seek out and take part in activities and experiences that immerse them into the local cultural. (Joshua S.Mckeown 2009, p.12) Including studying abroad may be one of the most beneficial experiences for a college student. By studying abroad, students have the opportunity to study in a foreign nation and take in the allure and culture of a new land. Stathes, 2014 claimed that in truth, studying abroad may influence your life in ways you cannot begin to imagine and there are numerous benefits of studying abroad. It has many reasons to study abroad such as study abroad program; you’ll have the chance to see a side of your major that you may not have been exposed to at home and Career Opportunities! When you finish your study abroad program and return home, you will return with a new perspective on culture, language skills, a great education, and a willingness to learn. Needless to say, all of these are very attractive to future employers. (Stathes, 2014) And, in the report of Mary M, Dwyer, Courtney K, Peters, 2002 still believe that for who live and study in abroad “It will change your life. You’ll come back a new person.” They found that for years, the benefits of study abroad have been described in these words. Everyone in the study abroad field believed it could greatly impact a student’s life. The first large-scale survey to explore the long-term impact of study
abroad on a student’s personal, professional, and academic life shows that study abroad positively and unequivocally influences the career path, world-view, and self-confidence of students.(Mary M, Dwyer, Courtney K, Peters, 2002.) Furthermore, life in the other country is increased your ability to cope with unfamiliar situations and increased the experience of ability to speak a foreign language has improved and improves all of study abroad. When you go to live in a foreign country, you will experience the lifestyle of people in that country. When you go to study abroad, you will have an accent of language and culture originality. As Ingraham, Edward C.; Peterson, Debra L. claimed studying aboard offer study abroad experience has improved your problem-solving skills, study abroad experience has increased your ability to interact effectively with people from different backgrounds, study abroad experience has enhanced to understanding of international issues, the addition of knowledge skills and attitudes that students need to live and work. (Ingraham et al., 2004) There are lots of articles and we have found another article by Valeri Boyle (2012) described why should I study abroad she wrote about personal growth, Professional Growth
Look Great in an Interview
Employers are often looking for students who challenge themselves and learn from their experiences. The experiences and wisdom you acquire while abroad can give you plenty examples and real life situations. Also, you got the certificate to remain your experience.
Discover a New Career Path
Experiences that you take advantage of abroad can influence the rest of your life in regards to career goals. Makes you would like to learn new languages or continue your master degree.
Gain Interpersonal Skills
Adapt culture when you have to work with other people from another country you had learned their culture so you can understand other people better than the person who never learn and accept other culture.
However, Lauren Salisbury, 2015 giving opinions that in the end of the day, how your experience of studying abroad turns out is up to no one but you. You alone control your destiny abroad. Studying abroad is your time and no one else's, so it is up to you to decide what will make the experience most meaningful to you, step outside your comfort zone and live your adventure to its fullest potential! (Lauren Salisbury, 2015)