The use of Aloe vera in beef burger formulations influenced textural
properties significantly. The force required for 50% compression of
the raw beef burgers is shown in Table 3. With increasing Aloe vera
concentration to 3%, the force needed for compression increased
but no significant differences were observed between beef burgers
Force for compression and cutting of raw and fried beef burgers containing different amounts of Aloe vera.
Textural characteristics control 1% 3% 5%
Compression of raw burgers (N) 14.84c ± 037 20.13b ± 1.15 23.82a ± 0 23.82a ± 0
Shear force of cooked burgers (N) 5.13a ± 0.24 4.98a ± 0.13 4.25b ± 0.26 3.21c ± 0.42
Means in a same row with different letters are significantly different (P b 0.05).