Moreover, Blaikie (1993) noted that, there are two principal ways to consider research philosophy, which are ontology and epistemology. Firstly, ontology can be explained as a view on the nature of reality. There are two aspects of ontology that include objectivism and subjectivism, of which the first aspect (objectivism) represents the position that social entities remain as a purposive reality external to the liberty of social actors, and the second aspect (subjectivism), which states that phenomena are generated from social actors’ perceptions and consequent actions. Secondly, epistemology is related to views about the appropriate ways of questioning into the nature of the world. Consequently, epistemology is concerned with the nature of knowledge, which is related to questions such as ‘what is acceptable knowledge?’ (Flowers, 2009; Saunders, Thornhill and Lewis, 2012)