Sheep and goat disease and mortality
In all the study areas the provided
veterinary services were only for vaccination and
some therapeutic treatments against a few common
diseases like anthrax, pasteruellosis, and sheep
pox. This was in agreement with the findings of a
survey works conducted by Girma (1999) and
Alemayehu (1993). Pastoralists in the study areas
reported that the most common diseases that
affected small ruminants were pneumonia,
anthrax, foot rot, sheep pox and diarrhea. Ticks
and mange mites were also serious problems.
Causes of sheep mortality and percentage of death
by age category are shown in Table 10. In Shinile
zone, 65.7% household respondents reported that
the highest death of the animals was found due to
the drought when there was severe shortage of feed
and water. In this zone, the livestock were affected
by frequent drought and shortage of water.
However, in Jijiga zone, as reported by 45.1% and
30.2% of household respondents, the predators
Table 10 Distribution of households (%) according to causes of sheep and goat mortality and age of