THANK YOU for taking this clutter-free Mobile Game Art Creation Course
How to Make Mobile Game Art With Adobe Illustrator: Workflows and Best Practices
I assure that by following my course outline and dedicating time, you will be able to finish this course and become not just a mobile games artist, but an efficient one.
However ...
You must go through the lectures, I must warn you that if you skip and take shortcuts you might miss on really helpful tips and workarounds I show when I discuss certain topics.
There are no shortcuts, this is Art, it takes time. Do as the course shows you. I did my best to make the course outlined in a way that you get up and running fast and be confident about making mobile game art upfront.
There are no shortcuts to learning. But I assure you there are shortcuts/workflows/best practices I can teach you in the course. It's actually about getting the same result in the least amount of time so we can create more game art and improve rapidly.
It's ok to take notes, but its better to implement it or test it right away. And I have created the course for you to do just that. We will have quick tasks along the course.
My creations are proof that any aspiring game artist, with no extensive art knowledge or art school diploma can make his own professional mobile game art. And I will show you how as long as you follow the course outline.
My workflows are evolving as ever and adapting to new tools,features and workflows illustrator has to offer. So you are assured that the lessons in the course are what works at the moment. And when the time comes that a better way of making mobile game art is available, you will be the first one to watch it since I will update this course from time to time.
Again, welcome to the course - and enjoy!
Your Instructor - also was a non-artist