framework was just as successful as when they were acquainted with the problem.
The results in the field of web-centred EUSE are promising. Proof of this is that the
lifecycle is being used in the Spanish public administrations to promote digital spaces
of interaction with citizens using EUD technologies. A portal has been set up which
Saragossa citizens and visitors can use to build their own composite web application to
organize their leisure activities in the city and book hotel rooms, museum tickets, put
together their personal tourist guide, book entertainment, etc. [Tejo-Alonso et al. 2010].
There is a catalogue of components for locating addresses on the city map, and accessing
tourist, historical, hotel and restaurant information. This portal has about 500 components,
over half a million total visits and composite web applications and receives
about 100 visits per day. There are no exhaustive quantitative studies, but qualitative
surveys suggest that acceptance by citizens is very satisfactory [Lizcano et al. 2011a].