2.4.4. Style and efficacy of communication between parent and childA score for communication effectiveness (success of the parent in getting the child to do the task correctly) wascalculated. The interaction was coded as successful when the child performed the task, regardless of how the mothertransmitted the information or how the child performed the task. A task was coded as unsuccessful when either the childfailed to perform the task, the child refused to perform the task, or the parent gave up transmitting the task. The coding ofstyle of communication was based on frequency of occurrence of a given strategy: always/often (>51%) or rarely/never(<50%). This coding was used for each of the six tasks for each parent–child pair. The percentage of pairs using each strategywas then calculated for deaf and hearing child groups.2.4.5. Reliability of measuresThree research assistants (all SLTs) were trained to code Pragmatic Functions and MLU-L using an 8 min videotapesegment. After this training, the three research assistants independently coded videotapes of nine children’s PragmaticProfile and MLU-L videotapes. The interjudge agreement was calculated by using the following formula for each pair of coders:[number of agreements/(number of agreements + disagreements) 100] (Sackett, 1978). Afterwards, the mean average ofthe three results was obtained. The interrater reliability for the Pragmatic Profile was 82.9% and for MLU-L was 88.9%, whichwas considered a good level of agreement between assessors, therefore highly reliable.
For the tasks ‘‘Modality-free measure of child communication’’ (naming, retelling story) and ‘‘Style and efficacy of
communication between parent and child’’ (six tasks) the reliability was assessed in two stages: in the first, one research
assistant coded each occurrence in the nine videotapes; then, a second research assistant coded the same material. 207
occurrences were identified (90 for naming; 9 for retelling the story; 108 for style and efficacy of communication). The
agreement between coders was 91.8%.
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