Setting and Participants
This study is a part of a larger yearlong study of 14 teachers residing and teaching in Korea,
China, and the United States. The three ethno-racial groups in this study were White, African American
(who live in the United States), and Asian1
teachers (who live in China and Korea). Participants of this
study were middle and high school English or English as a foreign language teachers, and their teaching
experience ranged from one to eleven years. The participants were recruited from an English teachers’
listserv, and participation was 100% voluntary. All teachers from China are from Shanghai, and those
from Korea reside in Seoul. The context of this study was not an academic course, and the participants
did not know each other professionally or personally. The researcher, who taught English as a second
language for several years, also participated in the study occasionally. Mainly due to the participants’
physical geographical locations, all discussions and interviews were conducted online using PICCLE
(Pedagogy for Inter-Cultural Critical Literacy Education available at