The notion that agricultural sustainability should be regarded as a process rather
than as a prescribed set of practices, and that it has a generalised core meaning, may
pose problems when one wishes to assess the sustainability of systems. Pretty (1995)
argues that: ``At the farm or community level, it is possible for actors to weigh up,
trade o and agree on these criteria for measuring trends in sustainability. But as we
move to higher levels. . .to districts, regions and countries, it becomes increasingly
dicult to do this in any meaningful way'' (p. 11).
It has been noted that the use or non-use of synthetic chemicals is not a particu-
larly rigorous scienti®c basis on which to determine a system's sustainability, how-
ever this dichotomy has been used in the discussion because of the prohibition of
synthetic chemical inputs in organic farming. Rather than attempting to categorise
certain farming methods as sustainable, which would contradict the view of sus-
tainability expressed above, some issues that merit attention have been highlighted.
The notion that agricultural sustainability should be regarded as a process ratherthan as a prescribed set of practices, and that it has a generalised core meaning, maypose problems when one wishes to assess the sustainability of systems. Pretty (1995)argues that: ``At the farm or community level, it is possible for actors to weigh up,trade o and agree on these criteria for measuring trends in sustainability. But as wemove to higher levels. . .to districts, regions and countries, it becomes increasinglydicult to do this in any meaningful way'' (p. 11).It has been noted that the use or non-use of synthetic chemicals is not a particu-larly rigorous scienti®c basis on which to determine a system's sustainability, how-ever this dichotomy has been used in the discussion because of the prohibition ofsynthetic chemical inputs in organic farming. Rather than attempting to categorisecertain farming methods as sustainable, which would contradict the view of sus-tainability expressed above, some issues that merit attention have been highlighted.
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