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Class time table
1.05-1.45pm Lunch Power Spin
6.10-6.50pm Arena Circuit
7.00-7.40pm Beginner Spin
8.00-8.40pm Beginner Spin
5.10-6pm Regular Spin
7.30-8.15am Morning spin
1.05-1.45pm Lunch Power Spin
6.00-7.00pm Beginners Spin
7.00-7.40pm Beginners Spin
1.05-1.45pm Arena Circuit
5.10-6pm Regular spin
6.15-6.55pm Beginners Spin
7.30-8.15am Morning spin
Class Descriptions
Spinning/Morning Spin
Our spinning classes are a tough unpredictable cardio workout incorporating multiple sprints and climbs throughout the 45 min class. This is a great high intensity training session, designed to maximise fat burning.
Beginner Spin
This introductory class will introduce you to spinning, and teach you all the techniques needed to get the most out of your spinning class and boost your fitness level (35-40 mins).
Lunch Power Spin
Our spinning classes are a tough unpredictable cardio workout incorporating multiple sprints and climbs throughout the 40 min class.
AIT Arena Circuit
Moving from station to station, exercise to exercise, you focus on short bursts of activity, getting a varied, effective and totally time efficient workout. Class is suitable for both beginners and fitness fanatics, guaranteeing you a complete total body workout. (45-50mins).
All classes are held in the new International Arena.
Our spinning classes are suitable for all levels from complete beginners to advanced classes. Spin classes by qualified spinning instructors in AIT’s new fantastic International Arena.
GAA, soccer and rugby team sessions – perfect for pre-season & conditioning.
From leisure riding to sportive to road racing and triathlon, spinning is the perfect training tool to help you achieve your goals.
Our body bike classes are very comfortable bikes to spin on with all the latest technology included - heart rate, wattage, speed and cadence.
All fitness levels & abilities catered for. Spinning is a non-impact exercise class for weight loss & general fitness.
To book your bike simply call the AIT Gym on 090 6471803 or email aitgym@ait.ie
Visit the dedicated AIT Spin Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/AitSpin
€7 for public, €4 for staff, €3 for students.