Dear Colleagues,
Please be informed that the EHS Committee, ERT and BCM Committee will be conducting Fire threat exercising and testing under the Emergency Preparedness Plan and
Business Continuity Plan (BCP). This is part of our compliance with the Thai Ministry of Interior’s “Working Safety Relating to Protection of Fire for Employees” program
and Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) requirements.
The program also aims to ensure practical conduct, exercise and testing based on fire and chemical spill scenarios at a provincial level for the WD Bang Pa-In plant per the following schedule:
Date : June 18, 2015
Time : 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Location : Building 4
Click Link : Evacuation Drills Announcements
: Scenario and Lay Out
The main objectives of the fire case provincial practice :
• To test the communication plan in a time of crisis for WD, Industrial Estate and Ayutthaya province
• To test the preparedness of personnel to communicate with the media efficiently and effectively
• To test the first aid system for WD and Ayutthaya‘s emergency services
• To test the emergency situation cooperation and control
• To test the resourcing of the emergency response plan
• To test the supporting members of the incident management team and their role and responsibilities
Emergency case escape instructions
When the evacuation signal sounds, please follow the procedure below to escape from the building safely:
1. Do not panic, remain calm.
2. Stop whatever you are doing.
3. Walk quickly to the nearest emergency exit; do not use the elevators.
4. Go down the stairs and out of the building to the muster point.
5. Report yourself to your team coordinator.
6. Wait until the building is declared safe before you return to your working area.
Evacuation Route Map
Click Link : Evacuation Map
Employee safety is the first priority to the company. This drill will provide everyone with a deeper understanding on emergency practices,
emergency exits and will involve the actual evacuation of all buildings to a muster point. Please convey this important message to your staff.
Your prompt participation will be very much appreciated.
If you have any questions, please call the ERT or anyone in the EHS Department.
(B4/B6: K. Chavinthorn ext.77080, B3: K. Kanjana ext.77197, BCM: K. Marisa ext.78455)
Sincerely Yours,
EHS Committee, ERT and BCM Committee