The AO prepares the Disbursement Advice
Prepare Disbursement Advice
The system launches the Request for Booking form.
The Request for Booking header indicates the related customer and CA details.
The Borrower and Facility Details are provided for reference purposes.
In addition, for existing facilities, the Host Facility Details are provided.
The AO enters:
The required details for “This Disbursement”
Manner of Release information
Other Instructions Remarks (see next page)
Continued on next page.
Note: The Request for Booking is used to prepare the Disbursement Advice for the selected facility.
A separate Disbursement Advice is prepared for each facility.
Note: The AO also has access to the Facility Details for the selected facility and the Loan Summary, Fee Summary and Conditions/Covenants. Click on the respective button in the button bar at the top of the form to launch each of these reference items.