For silage preparation, the bagasse and vinasse (BV) mixture was made using bagasse from sugar industry by-product and vinasse from the ethanol plant. The BV mixture was mixed at the ratio 70:30 of vinasse and bagasse, respectively. The BV was further mixed with sweet corn husk and cob silage or mixed with pineapple peel silage and considered, respectively. All dietary groups were opened and feed samples were weekly collected and analyzed for chemical composition and fermentation characteristics. Each groups received also a commercial concentrate feed (13% CP) twice a day (2 kg at 6.00 a.m. and 3 kg at 16.00 p.m., respectively). Steers were fed ad libitum roughage and supplemented with rice straw and molasses (Table 1). The feed consumed by steers within each group were calculated based on nutrient requirements for maintenance and production (NRC, 2001). In addition, fresh water from individually automatic bowl and mineral block were available all the time. Body weight of each steer was recorded at the beginning of the trial period and after 90 days. Feed conversion ratio was calculated as the ratio of BW gain to DM intake. Feed refusals were collected, weighed and individually bulked for analysis. Samples of refusals and feeds offered were dried at 105 °C for 24 h to determine the intake.