Strengthening our Defence
Technology Linkages
Three complementary technological entities support the SAF: the Defence
Technology Group in MINDEF for programme evaluation and
management, DSO National Laboratories for research and development,
and the Singapore defence industry for engineering, production and
industrial support. They will need to keep up with the rapid pace of
technological changes, so that they can continue to develop the
capabilities that keep the SAF on the cutting edge of technology.
Defence Technology Group
The Defence Technology Group (DTG) is responsible for the acquisition
of weapon systems required by the SAF. It also develops command and
control systems and specialised infrastructure to meet the unique
operational requirements of the SAF.
The DTG adopts a total system approach in acquisition, development
and integration of defence systems and facilities. It upgrades existing
weapon systems to extend their useful lives as and when it is economical
to do so.
Advanced weapon systems by themselves cannot win a war. The man
behind the weapon system is always more important. Technology has
been exploited to reduce the load on our soldiers and improve their
performance in battle. New equipment is designed to be easy to use
and ergonomic.
Upgraded E-2C Airborne Early Warning Aircraft
The E-2C aircraft was acquired
from the US in the mid-1980s.
Today, the explosion of advances
in computing has rendered its
military computers obsolete and
increasingly difficult to maintain.
And it could not meet the demands
for better performance.
Together with the Singapore
defence industry, the DTG
upgraded the entire computing
and software systems. State-of-theart
equipment was adapted to the
harsh military environment and
millions of lines of code were
rewritten. The engineers also made
sure that the system would be easy to upgrade, so that new technologies could
be inserted in the future. The software was entirely rewritten to meet real-time
performance needs while giving a more user-friendly look and feel.
Strengthening our DefenceTechnology LinkagesThree complementary technological entities support the SAF: the DefenceTechnology Group in MINDEF for programme evaluation andmanagement, DSO National Laboratories for research and development,and the Singapore defence industry for engineering, production andindustrial support. They will need to keep up with the rapid pace oftechnological changes, so that they can continue to develop thecapabilities that keep the SAF on the cutting edge of technology.Defence Technology GroupThe Defence Technology Group (DTG) is responsible for the acquisitionof weapon systems required by the SAF. It also develops command andcontrol systems and specialised infrastructure to meet the uniqueoperational requirements of the SAF.The DTG adopts a total system approach in acquisition, developmentand integration of defence systems and facilities. It upgrades existingweapon systems to extend their useful lives as and when it is economicalto do so.Advanced weapon systems by themselves cannot win a war. The manbehind the weapon system is always more important. Technology hasbeen exploited to reduce the load on our soldiers and improve theirperformance in battle. New equipment is designed to be easy to useand ergonomic.Upgraded E-2C Airborne Early Warning AircraftThe E-2C aircraft was acquiredfrom the US in the mid-1980s.Today, the explosion of advancesin computing has rendered itsmilitary computers obsolete andincreasingly difficult to maintain.And it could not meet the demandsfor better performance.Together with the Singaporedefence industry, the DTGupgraded the entire computingand software systems. State-of-theartequipment was adapted to theharsh military environment andmillions of lines of code wererewritten. The engineers also madesure that the system would be easy to upgrade, so that new technologies couldbe inserted in the future. The software was entirely rewritten to meet real-timeperformance needs while giving a more user-friendly look and feel.SAR
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