ΔPtot ¼ ΔPe þ ΔP ¼ ΔPe þ ðΔP=LÞ L: ð1Þ
The viscosity measurement of a non-Newtonian fluid, as in the studied
case, is obtainable by the following relationship [18]:
η ¼ τw=γ
¼ τw= CWR γ
: ð2Þ
where η is the viscosity, τw, γ
w and γ
aw are the shear stress, the shear
rate and the apparent shear rate measured on the wall, and CWR is the
ΔPtot ¼ ΔPe þ ΔP ¼ ΔPe þ ðΔP=LÞ L: ð1ÞThe viscosity measurement of a non-Newtonian fluid, as in the studiedcase, is obtainable by the following relationship [18]:η ¼ τw=γw¼ τw= CWR γaw : ð2Þwhere η is the viscosity, τw, γw and γaw are the shear stress, the shearrate and the apparent shear rate measured on the wall, and CWR is the
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