3.1 Process of interpretative analysis drawing on various data sources
The case consists of the inception, preparation and teaching of three lessons at Dronning gens
Upper Secondary School by a team of three teachers (Osvald, Kristin and Mari) and
subsequent stages of reflection. Three didacticians (from the team of 12) were principally
involved: Eli, the Project Director, Leo the liaison member for this school and Liv.
InNorway, students in upper secondary school (Grades 11–13) are typically aged 16–19 years.
Teachers at this level are usually well-qualified, generally to masters’ level in their specialist
subject (here mathematics). In the following, translations from the original Norwegian are
marked (T); otherwise the original English is used.
Hesitations and undue repetition havebeen removed to improve readability. All names (teachers, didacticians and school) are
pseudonyms. The events that contribute to this case occurred over the course of 1 year at the
beginning of the project. The analysis draws on data generated from the point at which
didacticians visit the school to negotiate participation in the project. The final event included
in the case was a meeting of didacticians and teachers at the end of the first year in which
teachers were invited to reflect on their experiences in the project.
3.1 Process of interpretative analysis drawing on various data sourcesThe case consists of the inception, preparation and teaching of three lessons at Dronning gensUpper Secondary School by a team of three teachers (Osvald, Kristin and Mari) andsubsequent stages of reflection. Three didacticians (from the team of 12) were principallyinvolved: Eli, the Project Director, Leo the liaison member for this school and Liv. InNorway, students in upper secondary school (Grades 11–13) are typically aged 16–19 years.Teachers at this level are usually well-qualified, generally to masters’ level in their specialistsubject (here mathematics). In the following, translations from the original Norwegian aremarked (T); otherwise the original English is used. Hesitations and undue repetition havebeen removed to improve readability. All names (teachers, didacticians and school) arepseudonyms. The events that contribute to this case occurred over the course of 1 year at thebeginning of the project. The analysis draws on data generated from the point at whichdidacticians visit the school to negotiate participation in the project. The final event includedin the case was a meeting of didacticians and teachers at the end of the first year in whichteachers were invited to reflect on their experiences in the project.
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