1. [+247, -22] Despite all this, IU never once said anything to defend him... IU, karma's going to get you. Ever since that scandal, Eunhyuk's career has been downhill and now he has to serve in the army..; what a shame
2. [+230, -9] I really do feel bad for Eunhyuk. He never made anything obvious, didn't even upload the picture himself, but all because IU messed up, he had to suffer so much hate and made the butt of jokes... and the scandal has gotten so out of control to the point where people actually believe Eunhyuk was the one who uploaded the picture. I really feel bad for him.
3. [+211, -6] I honestly do feel bad that IU's getting so much hate right now but I do think that the truth needs to be set straight despite it all. Some of the controversies that IU's in she isn't necessarily responsible for but people need to know what exactly happened with Eunhyuk's scandal.
4. [+73, -1] Poor Eunhyuk's being used to teach soccer teams how to be upstanding people