Zanoba is no longer a prince.
He sold off his royal things to raise money and took up residence near my house.
It was a snug two-story house.
It was created so that he'd be able to manufacture dolls, so the first floor is wide open like a garage.
The living space is mostly on the second floor.
It seems like he's living there with Ginger and Julie.
It has plenty of space for three people to live in.
Although I don't know what'll happen between these three people from now on...
Maybe they'll get married or something.
Anyhow, for the time being he has savings, or rather the money he received as royalty, so he's fine,
but from now on it's just going to decrease, so we decided to pay him a salary for working on the production of the magic armor.
It's research and development costs.
Zanoba took it, but he didn't have a very pleased expression.
"I didn't make it on my own, so for me alone to receive money somehow feels wrong."
He said that with his eyebrows in the shape of a ハ.
It's not like I don't understand what he's saying.
The magic armor is something that myself, Zanoba, and Cliff made together.
Zanoba alone is receiving the R&D funding for it.
It doesn't seem reasonable.
But be that as it may, if he says that, the most unreasonable person is me.
I wear the magic armor, go to work, and receive compensation for it.
In other words, up until now only I've been getting money.
With the magic armor that all of us made.
The magic armor isn't something that we made to earn money.
But even so, humans are living things who kill each other for the sake of money.
If he says that we should be fair, then we should pay Cliff too.
Then again, Cliff doesn't lack money, so it's questionable if he'd accept it.