Conceptual Framework about Mushroom
Mushroom is a soft delicate white fruit body of fleshy fungi. Its body looks umbrella-shaped and
it grows on the substratum or under the surface of soil. The term ‘mushroom’ is a macro-fungus
with a distinctive fruiting body, which can be hypogenous or epigeous, large enough to be seen
with the naked eye and to be picked by hand (Chang and Miles, 1992). Mushroom is a highly
nutritious, delicious and a good food for the children and the older as well. It is also halal
vegetable with medicinal qualities which is appropriate for Bangladeshi Muslims (Begum, 2008).
It has high protein and economic value. The amount of protein in mushroom is double than that of
other vegetables. One hundred grams of dried mushroom contain 26.9 per cent protein while the
same quantity of potato contains 7.6 percent protein (Asia Pulse News, 2008). Mushroom is used
as delicious item of our food menu containing both nutritive and medicinal values (Agrahar-
Murugkar et al., 2005; Cheung and Cheung, 2005).