Many authors have studied about the fiber/resin debonding, which is initiated by the development of osmotic pressure pockets at the surface of fibers due to the leaching of water-soluble substances from the fibers. The absorption of water in composites depends on many factors such as temperature, fiber volume fraction, orientation of reinforcement, fiber nature (that is permeable or impermeable), area of exposed surface (cellular structure), diffusivity,reaction between water and the matrix, and surface protection.8,9 The moisture absorption and mechanical properties of wood flour/polypropylene (PP) composites in hydrothermal environment were studied by Lin et al.10 Similar approach, i.e., incorporation of fiber in Novalac resin, was also studied by other investigators. 1,2,11,12 Tajvidi and Ebrahimi13 reported that as the filler content increased, the water uptake also increased.Statistical test performed indicated that there was a significant difference between various filler contents.