My dream is the farm has its own or gardening, in order to bring my family and I to a sustainable life. Because agriculture can earns a living can earns a living give family. Even though this profession is a profession that requires a lot of hard work, I felt like I was high. Factors which support my plan to achieve the goal are land, labour and capital. First land, the economic use of land is an important consideration to all farmers. Farmers use the land for cultivating crops establishing pastures erecting buildings for housing animals. Land is also needed for the establishment of agro-industries. Agriculture is therefore responsible for bringing much idle land into good use. Second labour, working in farm such as farm management, marketing of farm produce and farm record keeping. Finally capital, in order to expense in farm such as labour tools and equipment. And factors that support my choice are my family because I wanted to give the family stability. if I have an opportunity to run my dream what do plan to do in order to bring my family and I to a sustainable life. I will do my best and Intended to make the family comfortable. In fact, the student at the Silpakorn University, faculty of Animal Science and Agricultural Technology, have many careers in agriculture such as specialities in agriculture, livestock assistant and extension officer.