okay I’ll post my taeny theory and lemme see if I have THE GIF that proves it the most. first of all, I’m a girl who dated another girl for 4 years. same situation: not being able to be gay freely, hiding it, blah blah.
Taeyeon and Tiffany have been roommates before debut. Taeyeon is gay or ate least bi, my gaydar never fails and everyone agrees, we all know she’s gay or bi. why? She is obviously acting when she pretends to fangirl over guys, I’ve seen her close to the suju boys but she’s more like a colleague, a friend. She has dated guys before, thus their come and go’s with tiffany throughout the years. Tiffany… she is straight, but she is weak for taeyeon since the beginning. Their friendship is beyond words, they love each other to the extent of giving their life for the other. Tiffany’s wildness has somehow being tamed by Taeyeon. Taeyeon’s reserved and concealed demeanor has been somehow changed to a more open one by Tiffany. They are so different from each other and yet, I know they have many things in common, except their personalities hahaha. The first years of pre-debut and post debut these feelings were just friendship feelings, FOR TIFFANY… for Taeyeon they already meant something else. Taeyeon has always loved from afar and the fanfic writers are not wrong when they say Tae has unrequited love. Tiffany is christian but that has been bended now.
Everything is so obvious by the way they look at each other. taeyeon’s eyes told me before… she wanted tiffany so bad, in a physical way. She waited a lot, and their physical encounter, which ever it may be, happened recently. We all suppose it happened before Tiffany injured her knee. Or… even before.
When they have been apart through the years, it has been for.. 1. either tiffany freaked out, Taeyeon never freaked 2. Taeyeon dated 3. Tiffany dated.
Tiffany is seen serious and changes a lot around guys. Taeyeon is more reserved around guys but… she’s dorky, like she is easy going. Tiffany is either too bubbly and flirty around guys, or too quiet and adult like. She’s bipolar and lets remember, Tiffany always likes to seek attention. She tries to go around with other members, doing skin ship and joking, also to divert attention and not making taeny too obvious. Why would u care for it to be too obvious or not? ONLY IF U REALLY HAD SOMETHING TO HIDE…. *0*
Taeyeon said she could be her true self BTS uhmmm why would it be like that? Yes she is the leader,and YES she is too obvious regarding Tiffany. Its obvious she cares a hell more about fany than the rest. I feel all snsd know the real deal about this. OF COURSE, there’s Jeti … they are super super best friends, having in common being from the US and many more. Of course there’s Yulti, they MC’ed for so long , a really tight bond came through this. 2Ny is more like a tease, in their performances it can be seen, they like to seem hot together, its fan service. Overall Tiffany is super bubbly and great,genuine and kind hearted to her members, its impossible not to love her. She made her members understand in a kind and polite way, that she wanted respect. The first 2 years she was heavily bullied jokingly but, well. Yuri is a bully hahaahah I like that from her, but I feel she would bully me 24-7 ahhaha back then of course… now… she’s so freaking mature about the mature thing… that’s a whole new topic to discuss. believe me… they wanna grow up fast and when they become older they will cry,wishing they would be young again… my older friends always tell me this.
Taeyeon resisted loving Tiffany so much, for so long. But I guess they talked this through. Tiffany loves taeyeon so much, she depends on her a lot. 2 years ago, they realized this and gave it a chance. Taeny in japan was like WOW. taeny has been so close, and they get into real arguments with each other as well, just like a couple. The way they see each other, look for their eyes to meet, wow… its too much. The way they try to stay away from skin ship in public, and then fail.. it has been come and go ALL THE TIME. They didn’t restrain themselves this year. Taeny is real because their eyes are too telling. YULSIC IS ANOTHER THEORY but later looool
Taeyeon said in her self talk that she loves her position with Tiffany right now. She loves the present,why? because they are together for real. Many people tell me they have had sex… but idk… I feel like they already did. They don’t openly check each other out anymore, they are so carefree when they’re together, I hope they really had sex, PLZ PLZ PLZ OTL. or if not, at least a kiss.
They are acting, like in the stage of the relationship when you are comfy with the other person,because… you know all about her. its been aigoo, 7 years now? hahaha or even more. They are trusting each other, taeyeon seems so secure with what she has, and tiffany seems complete. Look at them closely, they look like they are enjoying life at the max ri know. even with their busy schedules and all, they bear it all cuz they’re together.
At this point snsd has become like a real family, so used to each other. Sooyoung on hello baby said they have kissed each other, one time when she had licked something i cant remember but she said it. things have gone on between each other, as experimenting. BUT the ones that remained real were taeny. taeyeon will never come out as gay… korea will kill her hahah she will eventually get married, tho she is scared just at the fact of having kids. / hello baby the episode when they go with kyungsan to take him bb pics/
none of them openly talk about getting married and have kids like hyoyeon and sooyoung do. I have to search if Yuri did the same as well.
Taeny know their relationship, all they have right now won’t last forever. That’s why they are enjoying it as much as they can. I hope everything has a happy ending, but for me, all the stages they had correspond of those in a relationship, I’ve seen this with het couples irl and in my own experience,dating my ex girlfriend. YULSIC too… and many ppl, gay and not gay, think the same way I do.
okay I’ll post my taeny theory and lemme see if I have THE GIF that proves it the most. first of all, I’m a girl who dated another girl for 4 years. same situation: not being able to be gay freely, hiding it, blah blah.
Taeyeon and Tiffany have been roommates before debut. Taeyeon is gay or ate least bi, my gaydar never fails and everyone agrees, we all know she’s gay or bi. why? She is obviously acting when she pretends to fangirl over guys, I’ve seen her close to the suju boys but she’s more like a colleague, a friend. She has dated guys before, thus their come and go’s with tiffany throughout the years. Tiffany… she is straight, but she is weak for taeyeon since the beginning. Their friendship is beyond words, they love each other to the extent of giving their life for the other. Tiffany’s wildness has somehow being tamed by Taeyeon. Taeyeon’s reserved and concealed demeanor has been somehow changed to a more open one by Tiffany. They are so different from each other and yet, I know they have many things in common, except their personalities hahaha. The first years of pre-debut and post debut these feelings were just friendship feelings, FOR TIFFANY… for Taeyeon they already meant something else. Taeyeon has always loved from afar and the fanfic writers are not wrong when they say Tae has unrequited love. Tiffany is christian but that has been bended now.
Everything is so obvious by the way they look at each other. taeyeon’s eyes told me before… she wanted tiffany so bad, in a physical way. She waited a lot, and their physical encounter, which ever it may be, happened recently. We all suppose it happened before Tiffany injured her knee. Or… even before.
When they have been apart through the years, it has been for.. 1. either tiffany freaked out, Taeyeon never freaked 2. Taeyeon dated 3. Tiffany dated.
Tiffany is seen serious and changes a lot around guys. Taeyeon is more reserved around guys but… she’s dorky, like she is easy going. Tiffany is either too bubbly and flirty around guys, or too quiet and adult like. She’s bipolar and lets remember, Tiffany always likes to seek attention. She tries to go around with other members, doing skin ship and joking, also to divert attention and not making taeny too obvious. Why would u care for it to be too obvious or not? ONLY IF U REALLY HAD SOMETHING TO HIDE…. *0*
Taeyeon said she could be her true self BTS uhmmm why would it be like that? Yes she is the leader,and YES she is too obvious regarding Tiffany. Its obvious she cares a hell more about fany than the rest. I feel all snsd know the real deal about this. OF COURSE, there’s Jeti … they are super super best friends, having in common being from the US and many more. Of course there’s Yulti, they MC’ed for so long , a really tight bond came through this. 2Ny is more like a tease, in their performances it can be seen, they like to seem hot together, its fan service. Overall Tiffany is super bubbly and great,genuine and kind hearted to her members, its impossible not to love her. She made her members understand in a kind and polite way, that she wanted respect. The first 2 years she was heavily bullied jokingly but, well. Yuri is a bully hahaahah I like that from her, but I feel she would bully me 24-7 ahhaha back then of course… now… she’s so freaking mature about the mature thing… that’s a whole new topic to discuss. believe me… they wanna grow up fast and when they become older they will cry,wishing they would be young again… my older friends always tell me this.
Taeyeon resisted loving Tiffany so much, for so long. But I guess they talked this through. Tiffany loves taeyeon so much, she depends on her a lot. 2 years ago, they realized this and gave it a chance. Taeny in japan was like WOW. taeny has been so close, and they get into real arguments with each other as well, just like a couple. The way they see each other, look for their eyes to meet, wow… its too much. The way they try to stay away from skin ship in public, and then fail.. it has been come and go ALL THE TIME. They didn’t restrain themselves this year. Taeny is real because their eyes are too telling. YULSIC IS ANOTHER THEORY but later looool
Taeyeon said in her self talk that she loves her position with Tiffany right now. She loves the present,why? because they are together for real. Many people tell me they have had sex… but idk… I feel like they already did. They don’t openly check each other out anymore, they are so carefree when they’re together, I hope they really had sex, PLZ PLZ PLZ OTL. or if not, at least a kiss.
They are acting, like in the stage of the relationship when you are comfy with the other person,because… you know all about her. its been aigoo, 7 years now? hahaha or even more. They are trusting each other, taeyeon seems so secure with what she has, and tiffany seems complete. Look at them closely, they look like they are enjoying life at the max ri know. even with their busy schedules and all, they bear it all cuz they’re together.
At this point snsd has become like a real family, so used to each other. Sooyoung on hello baby said they have kissed each other, one time when she had licked something i cant remember but she said it. things have gone on between each other, as experimenting. BUT the ones that remained real were taeny. taeyeon will never come out as gay… korea will kill her hahah she will eventually get married, tho she is scared just at the fact of having kids. / hello baby the episode when they go with kyungsan to take him bb pics/
none of them openly talk about getting married and have kids like hyoyeon and sooyoung do. I have to search if Yuri did the same as well.
Taeny know their relationship, all they have right now won’t last forever. That’s why they are enjoying it as much as they can. I hope everything has a happy ending, but for me, all the stages they had correspond of those in a relationship, I’ve seen this with het couples irl and in my own experience,dating my ex girlfriend. YULSIC too… and many ppl, gay and not gay, think the same way I do.
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