The final set of findings in table 3 relates to the value relevance of accounting amounts. First, regressions of price on net income and equity book value for IAS and NIAS firms reveal that the R2 value for IAS firms is significantly greater than that for NIAS firms, 40.10% versus 30.16%. Untabulated re¬gression summary statistics indicate that, as expected, the coefficients on net income and equity book value are significantly positive for both IAS and NIAS firms, and that both coefficients are smaller for NIAS firms. Consistent with predictions, the R2 value for good news IAS firms is greater than that for good news NIAS firms (3.88% vs. 0.01%). Contrary to predictions, the R2 value for bad news IAS firms is lower titan that for bad news NIAS firms (6.21% vs. 7.39%). However, for both comparisons, the difference is