I have 1 questions. With you
1 request question is our situation now is. Tell me Let assure
next request please,,. You don 't destroy me with quiet
I โดนคุณ blindfolded. Maybe the darkness is scary for imagination
I don' t understand because. You don 't talk to me but you, can talk to others.? Just a morning or night
it like you are playing with my feelings!Please don 't do that again because I may hate you
actually yesterday I cried hard after you talk to her.
I tried to. Give up I hate pain
I plan to kill you and little DMC But I can 't do that!. Something inside me said waiting for, you. I. Believe that the recent stories you demonstrate sincerity
both what I told you I like you .and she returned to pursue you. You. Can, close it.But you choose to say
I ask you.Many times you asked me to go with you. But I think you just worry about me as a friend. But looking from here you like me right? Or you ask everyone.