tAquaponics is a form of aquaculture that integrates hydroponics to raise edible plants and fish. There isgrowing interest in aquaponics because it can be practiced in non-traditional locations for agriculturesuch as inside warehouses and on marginal lands, and it can provide locally grown products withoutusing synthetic pesticides, chemical fertilizers, or antibiotics. Yet questions remain about the ecologicaland economic sustainability of aquaponics. The objective of this study was to describe the operatingconditions, inputs (energy, water, and fish feed) and outputs (edible crops and fish) and their relationshipover two years for a small-scale raft aquaponics operation in Baltimore, Maryland, United States. Thesystem had roughly 1% water loss per day and used an average of 35,950 L for replenishment per year.Predicted values suggest rainfall could completely replace the existing water needs. The average energyuse was 19,526 kWh for propane and electricity per year at a cost of $2055 US dollars. The largest usesof electricity were in-tank water heaters. Comparing inputs to outputs, 104 L of water, 0.5 kg feed, and56 kWh energy ($6 in energy costs) were needed to produce 1 kg of crops; and 292 L of water, 1.3 kg feed,and 159 kWh of energy ($12 in energy costs) were needed to produce a 1 kg increase in tilapia. Raisingtilapia was a net loss, while raising crops was a net gain when comparing market prices to energy costs.Understanding energy, water, and feed use in aquaponic systems is essential to inform farm businessplans. These data can serve as a point of comparison to other small-scale aquaponic systems, and informfuture work on life cycle assessments of aquaponics.