Primarily CYP3, but some CYP4 and mitochondrial clan
members have been associated with resistance to pesticides
[17,30,41-44]. Several Cyp3 clan members, such as
Cyp6g1 and Cyp6a5 are associated with DDT or pyrethroid
resistance, respectively [41,44]. Cyp4D10 and
other CYP4 members in Drosophila are inducible by plant
alkaloids and may be important in plant host interactions
[45]. In D. pulex, differential expression of two Cyp4 genes
is associated with resistance to tannic acid and leaf litter
[15]. Cyp4C32 expression is much higher in ecotype 1
and Cyp4AP1 shows much higher levels of transcription
in ecotype 2, which is exposed to high amounts of leaf litter
and polyphenols, and in turn resistant to toxic leaf litters
[15]. Interestingly, the CYPs that show differential
expression based on ecotype and leaf litter exposure, are
the two CYPs that are not found within the D. pulex v1.1
genome sequence assembly. The complete sequence of
these two CYPs is not available