It should be mentioned that using the word „spiritual‟ in relation to intelligence does not necessarily mean that it is
connected with any religion. Any religion that one believes in is based on the individual‟s culture and upbringing.
In contrast, spiritual intelligence is based on the fundamental ability of the human brain to create meanings,
values, and beliefs. Spiritual intelligence can be nurtured and developed (Zohar & Marshall, 2004). The mention
is no research has been done the relationship between spiritual intelligence and job satisfaction.
The main objective of the study is to analyze the teachers‟ spiritual intelligence and their job satisfaction in senior
secondary schools in Iran. It seeks to determine whether higher levels of spiritual intelligence can be related to a
higher level of job-satisfaction experienced. The spiritual intelligence level of teachers is important for teachers'
job satisfaction. The specific objectives of the study involve examining the significant difference between levels
of teachers‟ spiritual intelligence based on teachers job satisfaction with six major factors: (nature of the work
itself, attitudes towards supervisors, relations with co-workers, opportunities for promotion, salary and benefit,
work condition in the present environment.), possible differences between the level of teachers‟ spiritual
intelligence and teachers degree (bachelor and master).