Responses from 754 nurses were analyzed using backward linear regression for handwashing intention. We reasoned that handwashing results in 2 distinct behavioral practices--inherent handwashing and elective handwashing--with our model explaining 64% and 76%, respectively, of the variance in behavioral intention. Translation of community handwashing behavior to healthcare settings is the predominant driver of all handwashing, both inherent (weighted beta =2.92) and elective (weighted beta =4.1). Intended elective in-hospital handwashing behavior is further significantly predicted by nurses' beliefs in the benefits of the activity (weighted beta =3.12), peer pressure of senior physicians (weighted beta =3.0) and administrators (weighted beta =2.2), and role modeling (weighted beta =3.0) but only to a minimal extent by reduction in effort (weighted beta =1.13). Inherent community behavior (weighted beta =2.92), attitudes (weighted beta =0.84), and peer behavior (weighted beta =1.08) were strongly predictive of inherent handwashing intent