620 - 680 nm (red) for 10 minutes was able to weaken the cell membrane of the cells.
All wavelengths tested produced hemolysis greater than the control in hypotonic solutions of NaCl (range
0.02 to 0.06 M) (p < 0.004 ANOVA, p < 0.01 Turkey).
Only the range between 515 - 570 nm had a higher hemolysis compared to control Anova (p < 0.04) and Turkey
(p < 0.05).
Although there are several Hemoglobins with absorption peaks at different wavelengths, many have an absorbance
at around 540 nm (calibration of the spectrophotometer to measure Hemoglobins), using a close wavelength,
in case the green LED can change the red cell structure making it capable of releasing more hemoglobin
into the extracellular environment, since most of the absorption peaks of hemoglobin is between 515 - 570 nm.
Therefore, there can be greater absorption of liquid from the extracellular medium by red cells or the change in
hemoglobin by radiation can make them capable of trespassing the membrane of the weakened erythrocyte.
Even though, more researches involving LEDs and blood cells, altering the doses are recommended.