The History of the Colosseum began in Rome when the first recorded gladiatorial fight was staged in 264AD. Decimus Junius Brutus Scaeva put on a gladiatorial combat to honor the memory of his deceased father who was a consul named D. Junius Brutus Pera. Three pairs of slaves, selected from among 22 prisoners of war, were chosen to fight. The first gladiatorial fight took place in the Forum Boarium, a cattle market, situated near the Tiber between the Capitoline, the Palatine and Aventine hills. As this was the funeral of a prominent aristocrat and held in a public space, the event was likely to have drawn a large crowd. This first Gladiatorial combat was a clever idea as it also brought political prestige to their family¹s name. So the history of gladiatorial combat and therefore the Colosseum is related to a funeral. The History of the Colosseum.