The purpose of the study was to investigate the help new learner or people who interesting to learning Malay langguage, when used as a word game, increases pupil vocabulary when used as a component within and outside the premises of the school. Research design is a strategy to arrange the setting of the research in order to get valid data. The design of this research is conducted based on experimental research design. The kinds of research design to be used is based on the significance of experiments i.e. pre experimental design and true experimental design. Pre experimental design consists of one shot case study, one group pre-test post-test, and static group comparison. And true experimental design consist of control group pre-test – post-test, randomize to subject, matched group design, randomize pre-test and post-test design, randomize subject with pre-test group control post-tests group experimental, three types of experimental group and control, four groups, group with three group control, time design. Because of the limited time, researcher uses pre experimental embracing the characteristic of one group pre-test - post-test design. The pre-test and post-test are given to take the score of the student’s achievement before and after being taught using Small Words puzzle. The study also assessed users’ experiences with Small Words, the support they received, the time they spent using it and details of the game. Score was used with potential individuals but not with a control. Pupils would try out the on the basis of prior educational achievement.