ตรวจสอบความถูกต้องของปTo. Dear Myla
this is a small gift from us. It's our memories. We hope you like it. Please take it to canada and pick it up when You reminded us. We know someday you have to go back to your home. Last month you told us " I will go back home next month for married and will go to stay at canada with my husband". We feel shocked because canada It's very far from Thailand. We don't know when you come to Thailand?....when we meet you again? but we will wait you. We believe you will come back. You know?...when we stay with you. It's happy time. We will not forget you. You're important member of our family. We will not forget your smile.. your laughter and everything about you. We will miss you forever.
FAI : Hello My lovely sister, for me you're the best sister. I don't have older sister so I feel happy when I have you. I want to say "Thank you for everything" I will not forget you. You told me if Ploy and I marry you will come to Thailand. Hey! you promise with me. I will remember. Haha :)). And The last we wish you happy for couple life and your new family. We will wait to see Myla's baby. She/He must be cute same you.
***When you read this letter. Please Don't cry. Please smile :). Because I love your smile.
My contact
**Facebook : moofai mongfia
Line id : mongfia
IG : mongfia
Our adress : 174 Phetkasem 51 Phetkasem rd. Bangkae Bangkok, Thailand 10160
-Love forever-
Your Thailand family