5. Fitness--granted, this isn't as easily changeable as the others. But, the research is not talking about the "perfect butt" or "washboard abs" anyway. we're shooting for relatively healthy" (e.g., not super obese no severely protruding stomach, etc). So, no need to obsess and go overboard. But do your best to eat well, move around a bit, and care for your health Good grooming, the right clothes, and standing up straight can go long way towards minimizing what diet and exercise don't do!
6. Gender- generally, try to look masculine or feminine (depending on who you want to attract). To be more masculine, muscle up your shoulders and chest (or wear a nice, padded, sport coat). Grow a goatee, chin-strap, or beard to hide a weak jaw. To be more feminine, learn to properly apply makeup-accentuating your eyes and lips. Also grow your hair longer (or just get extensions).