White Bones began to move, and attacked the normal zombies tossed by the second wave of attack.
Seeing the number of zombies was steadily increasing, Yue Zhong immediately ordered, “Close combat team 5 and team 6, engage this new threat!”
Close combat team 5 and team 6 are new close combat team. Each of these team members was only about level 2. Although they could not be compared to the first four teams regarding evolution and battle ability, they were made up of men who have shown bravery and skills.
After the close combat team 5 and 6 entered the fight, the clean-up of the regular zombies proceed relatively smooth. These zombies could only crawl on the ground and were to the faster-moving men, an excellent source of experience orbs. As soon as the regular zombies landed on an area, the men surrounding it will quickly rush up to kill it.
“Luckily these zombies are relatively stupid, or we would be in great danger.” Yue Zhong was looking at the zombies that were thrown at the walls, and he could not help but to think in this way.
If the zombies combined all their strongest forces and focused on one of the walls, two hundred L2 zombies can toss two hundred zombies at once into the wall. If this happens, the Lei Cheng’s team would be in grieve danger.
Lei Cheng has 600 men, but these men were divided into three gates. Therefore, each gate only had about 200 men. Also, he needed to leave aside some men for emergencies. Stopping the advance of these zombies would be a colossal task for him.
If one observed the battle from the sky, they would find a strange sight. Only in the East gate would the sounds of gunfire occasionally and rhythmically rang out in short bursts. But in the other three gates, the sound of gunfire and cannons were deafening and fierce.
The firepower of the weapons of today was extremely vicious and powerful. The zombies were all mowed down by the best firepower that modern technology can boast of.
In particular, the heavy artillery guns that use massive bullets were explementary in mowing down scores of zombies. Each bullet can tear a huge hole through the body of humans, ripping apart flesh and bone in a single hit. These zombies could not hope to withstand the might of technology’s finest firearms.
The zombies in the West, North and South gates were completely suppressed by the firepower, and most of the zombies within the range of the firearms were swallowed up in a sea of explosion and bullets.
Xu Zhenggang saw the battle situation and immediately ordered his men. “Stop firing! Stop firing!”
While the effectiveness of these firearms is indisputable, it is also a fact that these firearms were consuming the limited bullet supply at a very rapid rate. It was like there was a big hole in the bottom of a massive jar filled with water, and the bullets were gushing out of the jar extremely quickly like water. If this continues, all the bullets would be quickly used up.