There were differences (P < 0.0001) in storage and
thawing purge loss among treatments for each subprimal
group (Table 1). Fast-thawed beef subprimals had equal
or less purge loss compared with the fresh, never frozen
subprimals among all 3 subprimals. Slow-thawed beef
subprimals had the most storage and thawing purge loss
(P < 0.001). There were no differences in storage and
thawing purge loss between blast frozen and conventionally
frozen subprimals (P > 0.05; Table 2); fast and
slow thawing treatments differed (P < 0.0001; Table 2).
Differences in storage and thawing purge loss between
thawing treatments are likely because fast-thawed beef
subprimals were thawed to –2°C to 0°C. Thawed beef
subprimals from the fast-thawed treatments had a colder
internal temperature than the slow-thawed beef subprimals
on cutting (0°C vs. −2°C to 0°C). Slow-thawed beef