Karel Capek, who makes the "robot" is known all over the world. The robot from the word "robot," (robot or Robota) in Czech. Which means slave, or forced labour in BC.Pyre 6 4 Karel Capek (Karel Capek) Czech novelist, wrote a musical. "R. U. R." (Rossum’ s Universal Robots:? R.U.R.) is about human beings need slaves. Thus creating a robot to help work. Later, the robot has developed itself to be more intelligent. The stream of anti human and would not oppress anymore. This drama very famous."Robot" is known all over the world!Later in the yearGood in 1917 Isaac Asimov acetate (Isaac Asimov) scientists and American novelist, the seed Russia ได้ประพันธ์ novel scientific On "running what วนด์" (Run around) which has the content about robots.Three of robotics, consists of a
1. The robot not to harm humans. So let the human be in danger or
2.). A robot must obey the orders given to humans. Except where such orders would conflict with the first law
3.The robot to defend themselves. But must not conflict with the first law or rule 2
.After the composition of both maufe published rules. 3. This received support from people is falling because as a rule are accurate. Based on the safety and living together between humans and robots.Scientists are interested in more robots. And start the robot development seriously starting to
.The robot's been around for a long time since ancient times. But most are located in the stories of mythology, such as in the days of ancient Greece, there is a legend of Talos (Talos) is a robot sentry, the island of CreteHinder from citizens and leave the island without obtaining permission from King Minos. Legend says Talos is a bronze statue was topped with holy water. The move, though not mentioned mechanism driven.The present
.Human have to invent equipment movement has come a long time ago. In ancient Greek is called automaton (automata), which is the origin of the word "auto" (autonomous) at present.About 40 education BC (B.Prof. 14 3) by the arc line slave (Archytas of Tarentum) mathematician and inventor, Greek had invented the mechanical pigeon (Pigeon) and flying wings up and down. Based on the driving force of steam.