Darling I really have taken a serious liking to you with all my heart, today I was just thinking about you and the thought of you is making me very happy .
Honey you have brought joy and Happiness to my life, My daughter and son is very happy now because I have found some one and she keeps asking me what is going on....lol. Children can be pests sometimes, she keeps invading my privacy.
I jokingly told her that she has a new mother...lol
But seriously, that loneliness and motherly Vacuums is beginning to close right now and Happiness is gradually returning to me again.
Darling I am a humble man, but i am quite comfortable financially, I have a house here in the UK, but my daughter and I are pretty lonely in the house, but most times we act as a tag team, she acts like my wife and i become her mother, not quite sure its working that well....lol.
Honey I need love and my precious Desiree needs a mother,Somehow i hope it is you dear.
I just got back from work now, going to fix myself a cup of coffee soon, then i have to get some documents prepared but I will write you again soon dear. Darling i hope you have you deleted your profile from the dating site.
sorry i have to run
I love you dear
I wrote you a simple poem for you yesterday... I hope you like it.
As far as the ocean is wide
through miles and miles of sea;
You will be someone special
a true miracle to me.
As high upon the mountain tops
as high as one can climb;
You will be so dear to me
the best friend I can find.
As many stars that twinkle
throughout the heavens above;
You will be a bright reminder
of what it means to love.