initially,old english was a diverse group of dialects,reflecting the varied origins of the Anglo-saxon kingdoms of england. one of these dialects,late west sexon,eventually came to dominate. the original old english language was then influenced by two waves of invasion.the first was by language speakers of the scandinavian branch of the germanic family;they conquuered and colonized parts of britain in the 8 and 9 centuries.the second was the nomans in the 11 century,who spoke old norman and untimately development and english variety of this called anglo-norman these to invasions caused english to be come mixed to some degree(though it was never a truly mixed langugae in the strict linguistic sense of the word;mixed language arise from the cohabitation of speakers of different language,who develop a hybrid tongue for basic communication)
cohabitation with the scandivians resulted in a significant grammatical simplification and lexical enrichment of the anglo frisian core of english;the letter noman occupation led to the grafting on to that germanic core of more elaborate layer of words from the romance branch of the uropean langugae.this noman influence intered english largely through the courts and goverment.thus,english developed into a borrowing langugae of great flexibility and with a huge vacabulary.
english is on its way to becoming the world's unofficial international langugae.mandarin drain(chinese) is spoken by more people,but english is now the most widespread of the world's language.half of all business deals are conducted in english. two thirds of all scientific papers are written in english.over 70% all post/mail is written and addresed in english most international tourism, aviation and diplomacy is conducted in english