Pursue perfection
Zero setup times,zero defects, zero inventories, zero waste, producing on demand, increasing a cell's production rates, minimizing cost, and maximizing customer value represent ideal outcomes that a lean manufacturer, seeks. As the process of becoming lean begins to unfold and improvements are realized, the possibility of achieving perfection becomes more believable. The relentless and continuous pursuit of these ideals is fundamental to lean manufacturing. As the flow increases and processes begin to improve, more hidden waste tends be exposed. The objective is to produce the highest-quality, lowest-cost products in the least amount of time. To achieve this objective, a lean manufacturer must identify and eliminate the various forms of waste.
Forms and Sources of Waste Waste consumes resources without adding value. Waste is anything customers do not value. Elimination of waste requires that its various forms and sources be identified. The following eight sources have been suggested as the major forms and sources of waste:
. Defective products
. Overproduction of goods not needed
. Inventories of goods awaiting further processing or consumption
. Unnecessary processing
. Unnecessary movement of people
. Unnecessary transport of goods
. Waiting
. The design of goods and services that do not meet the needs of the customer