Episode 51: Summertime blues
ฟาง: It's nice to be back but I do miss the excitement of the World Cup. I'm bored!
ชมพู่ : Oh thanks very much!
ฟาง : I didn't mean you! I just mean it's a bit hard to come back to reality that's all.
เจมส์: Who says we have to? Why don't we do something to cheer ourselves up?
ฟาง : Like what?
ศร : Go to the pub.
ฟาง : No, it's too smoky.
เจมส์ : Go to a nightclub.
ชมพู่ : It's too noisy.
ศร : How about going to the cinema?
ฟาง : There's nothing on I really want to see.
ศร : We could have a party.
ฟาง : What are we celebrating?
ศร : You know it's almost a year since I came to live here.
เจมส์ : Perfect! We'll have our first anniversary party