Idol group NMB48 has announced from their 7th single, ‘Bokura no Eureka’, the coupling song ‘Sayanee’ - sung by captain Yamamoto Sayaka on the 23rd of May. Executive Producer Akimoto Yasushi was so moved by the how Yamamoto supported NMB behind the scenes and decided to write this song. Following Shinoda Mariko’s ‘Ue Kara Mariko’ and Watanabe Miyuki’s ‘Warukii’, ‘Sayanee’ is the third song to use the name of a member within AKB48 and its sister group. Yamamoto states that she is ‘Embarrassed, but honored.’
The birth of ‘Sayanee’ occurred on the 6th of the month during the all 48 group concert, ‘Omoidaseru Kimitachi e, Aitakatta’. Team BII was the lone team to not sell out. BII Captain Kameida Emika had begun handing out flyers during handshake events and concerts, and on the day of their performance, Yamamoto brought in freshly baked croissants for BII in reference to their original song ‘Almond Croissant Keikaku’. “Our seniors in AKB stated ‘We started out handing out flyers on the streets too’ and seeing our juniors hand out flyers under their own will was moving for everyone. I thought about how important it was for us to not lose how we felt in beginning and to keep our desire”
Moved by Yamamoto’s actions, Akimoto wrote ‘Someone who would kick them in the ass but also cheer them up, Sayanee’ as part of the lyrics, and created the slow number. NMB previously had a song dedicated to Watanabe Miyuki’s devilish attitude in ‘Warukii’, but ‘Sayanee’ is the first song since then to include a member’s name. Yamamoto states that she was ‘embarrassed’, but ‘will work hard in order to not tarnish the name of the song.’
‘Bokura no Eureka’s PV is based on Jules Verne’s Robinson Crusoe-esque novel ‘Two Years’ Vacation’, and was filmed on Yoronjima in May. Yamamoto and 16 girls wash up on an island and attempt to escape from island alive. Theater manager Kaneko Tsuyoshi appears in the video, something Yamamoto Sayaka promoted.