With Er:YAG laser being poorly absorbed in haemoglobin, the operative field is bleeding but at the same time washed with the air-water spray: subsequently, a high-powered aspiration is requested. Suturing was performed with 4.0 silk to let the wound heal by primary intention. The excised specimen was then placed in formaldehyde 10% for histopathological examination. An analgesic was immediately delivered to the patient (amidopyrin 500 mg). Some recommendations, such as to avoid any hot food or liquids during a 24 hrs long period were delivered. Sutures were removed one week later and complete healing observed after 12 days after surgery. Neither postoperative complications nor discomfort were observed.
Hard tissue fragment was submitted in 10% formalin for histopathologic examination. The examination of hematoxylin and eosin staining specimen revealed (Figure 4) dense, mature bony tissue, organized in wide lamellar pattern with scattered osteocytes and small marrow spaces.