We believe that the missing keystone to design effective and efficient biofeedback and neurofeedback
protocols is a comprehensivemodel ofthemechanisms offeedback learning.Inthismanuscript we review
the learning models in behavioral, developmental and cognitive psychology, and derive a synthetic model
of the psychological perspective on biofeedback. We afterwards review the neural correlates of feedback
learning mechanisms, and present a general neuroscience model of biofeedback. We subsequently show
how biomedical engineering principles can be applied to design efficient feedback protocols. We finally
present an integrative psychoengineering model of the feedback learning processes, and provide new
guidelines for the efficient design of biofeedback and neurofeedback protocols. We identify five key
properties, (1) perceptibility = can the subject perceive the biosignal?, (2) autonomy = can the subject
regulate by himself?, (3) mastery = degree of control over the biosignal, (4) motivation = rewards system
of the biofeedback, and (5) learnability = possibility of learning. We conclude with guidelines for the
investigation and promotion of these properties in biofeedback protocols.