Legalizing the downloading of music in would create an issue of controversy as reflected by the paper but the positive issues seem to be more as compared to the negative results due to the legalization of the music downloading. The various institutions that have been put forward to ensure that piracy is regulated have not highly influenced the music industry since a wide range of website still exist for music downloads. Considering the issues defined to support the legalization of music downloads it highly reflect the effective objectives that a musician are in a position to accomplish both nationally and internationally. Moreover, discouraging of music downloading reflect a lack of embracing innovation and technology fully as designing of this downloading website requires understanding and effective utilization of learned knowledge to implement. In this case, the learned knowledge should enable an individual to better the situation of the society at large and reduction of cost. In this case, the downloading website has subjected the society to cheap and effective accessibility as well as knowing their musician effectively through the internet, and the songs downloaded. In this case, the legalization of downloading should be upheld.