The value to be attributed to the criterion was made according to the following classes. Very Low (0.1) = when the site position from motorway produces a very low interference with the local traffic. Low (0.3): when the route to get to nearest motorway does not cross urban areas and the distance is less than 4 km. Low-medium (0.5): when the route to get to nearest motorway does not cross urban areas and the distance is more than 4 km or when the route requires marginal crossing of urban areas and the distance from the nearest motorway is less than 4 km. Medium (0.7): when the route requires marginal crossing of urban areas and the distance from the nearest motorway is more than 4 km or the distance is less than 4 km but there is a valuable risk of interference with roads of great traffic. High (0.9): when the route interferes with the local road network