4. Conclusions
Acrylamide intake through espresso coffee brew is mainly
dependent on the type of coffee used to prepare the blend (arabica
or robusta) and their degree of roasting, with the lowest amounts found in dark arabica roasted samples. The acrylamide extraction
efficiency for standard espressos approached 80% and this value
was only affected by brew volume increment: ‘‘lungo” ECs
(70 mL) practically contained all the acrylamide initially present
in coffee cake (almost the double than a ‘‘ristretto” of 20 mL).
When compared with other common coffee beverages, EC is a very
concentrated brew. However, its acrylamide content per cup may
be lower, due to its small volume.
With the results obtained from commercial ECs (30 mL) it is
possible to estimate that a moderate espresso consumer (3 to 5
doses per day) will ingest about 4–6 lg of acrylamide per day via
this beverage. There are very limited processes available to reduce
acrylamide level without affecting the quality of the brew, especially
in relation to its sensory properties. A complementary option
to reduce the amount of acrylamide ingested trough EC is to select
commercial blends with higher arabica percentages and darker degrees
of roasting and, simultaneously, prefer shorter brews instead
of long ones, but this will obviously depend on the consumers’
4. ConclusionsAcrylamide intake through espresso coffee brew is mainlydependent on the type of coffee used to prepare the blend (arabicaor robusta) and their degree of roasting, with the lowest amounts found in dark arabica roasted samples. The acrylamide extractionefficiency for standard espressos approached 80% and this valuewas only affected by brew volume increment: ‘‘lungo” ECs(70 mL) practically contained all the acrylamide initially presentin coffee cake (almost the double than a ‘‘ristretto” of 20 mL).When compared with other common coffee beverages, EC is a veryconcentrated brew. However, its acrylamide content per cup maybe lower, due to its small volume.With the results obtained from commercial ECs (30 mL) it ispossible to estimate that a moderate espresso consumer (3 to 5doses per day) will ingest about 4–6 lg of acrylamide per day viathis beverage. There are very limited processes available to reduceacrylamide level without affecting the quality of the brew, especiallyin relation to its sensory properties. A complementary optionto reduce the amount of acrylamide ingested trough EC is to selectcommercial blends with higher arabica percentages and darker degreesof roasting and, simultaneously, prefer shorter brews insteadof long ones, but this will obviously depend on the consumers’preferences.
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