ParseFB Module: this module offers functions to provide
easy access to features and services from Facebook
JavaScript SDK and Parse JavaScript SDK. Its main
role is to make it easier for the developer to implement
3rd party services. It can be abstractly divided into two
sections the Parse one and the social networks one. The
Parse section refers to the implemented Parse services.
It offers Parse Cloud data and users management. The
social networks one contains Facebook services but
others can be implemented too, such as of Twitter and
Indicative functions that are included in this component
are the following:
– parseFb meDetails(success): this function’s callback
contains Facebook’s user details such as
name, Facebook user ID and profile picture URL.
– parseFb getAlbumCover(auid, success, error):
success callback contains the album cover URL.
– parseFb getAlbumPhotos(auid, success, error):
given a specific album ID the success callback
contains photos data.
Below an application built with the help of framework is
presented to demonstrate the framework’s features and the
possible future ones.