As mentioned in Section 2.2, the permeate was pumped
through the top of the membrane, which caused the sludge and
biopolymers to deposit on the outlet area. Moreover, because N2
was sparged from the bottom of membrane housing, the top of
the membrane was insufficiently cleaned. As a result, the top of
the membrane might suffer the most serious fouling throughout
the operation. The EDX analysis was in accord with this assumption. As observed in Table 4, elements such as Mg, Al, Si and Ca
were detected in a higher mole ratio on the top area than on the
middle and bottom parts of the membrane, and these elements
were considered to be the significant factor in the formation of
the fouling layer by bridging the deposited cells and biopolymers
(Wang et al., 2008).
As mentioned in Section 2.2, the permeate was pumpedthrough the top of the membrane, which caused the sludge andbiopolymers to deposit on the outlet area. Moreover, because N2was sparged from the bottom of membrane housing, the top ofthe membrane was insufficiently cleaned. As a result, the top ofthe membrane might suffer the most serious fouling throughoutthe operation. The EDX analysis was in accord with this assumption. As observed in Table 4, elements such as Mg, Al, Si and Cawere detected in a higher mole ratio on the top area than on themiddle and bottom parts of the membrane, and these elementswere considered to be the significant factor in the formation ofthe fouling layer by bridging the deposited cells and biopolymers(Wang et al., 2008).
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