Fig. 8. Effect of air flow rate on moisture removal
(Conditions: Vs = 0.01 l.s-1, Tw = 80○C, Twb = 28○C, Tdb = 36○C).
As shown, the concentrations were practically unchanged at 0.022 for water flow rate of 200 and 0.032 for water flow rate of 300 However, the figure again demonstrates that higher water flow rate results in higher concentration change.
B. Moisture Removal
In the regenerator, the desiccant solution is regenerated with the help of heat from the hot water and the moisture released is removed by the flowing air. The following is the mathematical explanation of how the gain and loss of moisture in the air and the solution are evaluated.
The increased moisture in the air or moisture gain should be equal to the decreased moisture or moisture loss from the desiccant solution. However, from this experiment, they often do not match. The following is the comparison of moisture gain in the air and loss in solution.