[Boss!! I haven’t seen you in a long time!!]
[We waited for you! Boss!!]
[I, I’m honored to finally meet you desu~! Sir!!]
[Uoi! Newbies! Boss has returned! Tell all the other guys! Get there in 30 seconds!]
[Yes, roger de arimasu~!]
The attitude of the leftover forces, Kouki who should have expected it already from the reaction from Pal’s group is completely surprised! He spat out*it was either spat out, or spilled* his tea. While all members were wiping off the tea, they noticed that multiple Usagininzoku were lining up! Standing upright and immoveable with heels in arrangement, it was the appearance of wonderful saluting.
Though there are many who don’t actually know Hajime, their behaviours and speech seems to have been trained into them voluntarily, and expanded their powers.
[Un~, Yes, its been a long time. Temporarily, since there are other people here lets stop the saluting]
[ [ [ [ [ [Sir, Yes, Sir!] ] ] ] ] ]
With a cheer for the boss that could be heard throughout the Sea of Trees, the Hauria tribe seemed to be very satisfied, to the genuine cheer that they’ve experienced for the first time [we’ll also finally.…..] the Usagininzoku that wasn’t part of the Hauria tribe was filled with anticipation.
Surely, after Hajime leaves the Sea of Trees, the angry voice of Sergeant HarOman *thanks, lemonedSM* might have resounded throughout the Sea of Trees.
[I’ve meet Pal’s group and understand roughly what’s going on. You guys seem to have played an active role? You’ve done a great job repelling them]
[ [ [ [ [ [Yes, We’re grateful de arimasu~!!] ] ] ] ] ]
The last reply was said full of emotion in a tearful voice. Hajime, then passed on Pal’s groups information on to the Hauria who are trembling with emotion. In other words, Having found that Cam’s group invaded the Imperial castle, they will also invade it. And, there is a request for assistance.
[Indeed. …..The message from “Baltoferd of Certain Death” has definitely been received. We express our thanks, boss]
[.............Na, by the way…..what is your second name?]
[Ha? Me? …...Fu, of course. Like the falling thunder, an unpredictable thunderclap striking down his foes, I am “Iorunikusu of the Thunder Blade” *Yeah, these lines are iffy…it probably sounds out into something, but for the life of me i don’t know*! desu~!]
[......Is that so]